Unite is committed to providing a full set of educational courses in each region and nation of the Union. Please refer to the programme of courses in your region and once you have completed regional stages, 1 and 2, Unite’s national residential course programme is designed to provide further development and specialist courses for you.
Some courses are designed as advanced courses for experienced, senior, or individual reps who wish to advance their knowledge, skills and confidence in various areas of interest. The course description gives you an outline of what the courses entail. If you are unsure whether you will benefit from attending these courses, please discuss this with your Regional Officer or Regional Education Officer for advice as to whether to apply for such training.
Unite is committed to making reasonable adjustments to ensure equal access to education courses for members with disabilities. Please complete the form setting out your disability access requirements at the back of brochure and submit with your application form.
Please complete the national course application form either online:
https://www.unitetheunion.org/education/ or use the form enclosed at the end of the brochure.
This programme includes our national equality leadership courses which are designed as a positive action measure to develop the leadership skills and provide a voice for underrepresented workers in our Union. Please take note of the eligibility requirements to attend these courses.
Our National Women’s Week is for Women Reps, and our National Black and Asian Leadership Development course is for Black and Asian reps only. For more information about these courses please contact our National Equality Officers at [email protected] or Regional Women and Equalities Officers and they will be able to assist you.
National residential courses will begin at 15:00 hrs on the first day and finish with a session on Action Plans at noon on the last day.
Delegates are expected to be present for the full duration of the course. As this is a residential course all accommodation, meals are provided at the venue.
You will appreciate that being residential students are expected to participate in a couple of evening sessions which are less formal.
Siobhan Endean
Acting Director for Education
Unite’s commitment to delivering courses recognises the different circumstances in which our reps find themselves. This is why there are various modes of delivery for the same course. Residential courses are for those who simply cannot dovetail into our regional provision whether that is for geographical or domestic or other reasons. Our normal practice for national residential courses, held in The View Hotel, Eastbourne or other venues to be confirmed, kick off at 15:00 hrs. on Monday and finish with a session on Action Plans at Noon on the Friday. You will appreciate that being residential students are expected to participate in a couple of evening sessions which are less formal.
To download dates of national courses
These courses are offered for those representatives who cannot access the same courses within their region. The regional programme should be your first port of call before applying for the residential courses.
As an elected Workplace Representative it is essential you access your initial training as soon after election as possible. Your initial training consists of Module 1A and 1B. It is best to book both courses at the same time to ensure you have a place reserved on each course.
Course description:
This course is designed to be the core initial training for Unite workplace reps. The course covers the wide range of knowledge and skills needed by the new Rep including:
• Key skills for organising your workplace
• Handling discipline and grievance cases
• Communication skills
• Introduction to Employment Law Equality at Work
Course description:
For reps who have completed Module 1A.
This course covers:
• Evaluating and assessing your experience since the Stage 1 course
• Understanding the concept of ‘good work’
• Understanding and dealing with Issues around Dignity and Respect in the workplace
• Problem solving skills
As and elected Health & Safety Representative it is essential you access your initial training as soon after election as possible. Your initial training consists of Module 1A and 1B. It is best to book both courses at the same time to ensure you have a place reserved on each course.
Course description:
This course is the essential course for all new Unite Health and Safety Representatives. It is designed to help you build the skills, knowledge and confidence to organise effectively in order to carry out your work as a Safety Rep as well as to create understanding of how economic and others aspects affect the working lives, health, safety and welfare of working people.
The course covers:
• Understanding the role of a Unite Safety Rep
• The legal framework of Health and Safety
• Rights of Safety Reps
• Involving the members in Health and Safety
• Accident Investigations – Risk Assessments
Course description:
The course develops the skills and knowledge learnt in Module 1A:
• Examining your workplace risk assessment and evaluating them
• Understanding health & safety audits and company accident statistics
• Appreciate health & safety legislation including aspects of criminal and civil law
Unite the Union is committed to promoting equality in the workplace for all workers, including the neurodiverse and autistic workers. It runs three courses, which build on each other, to help members and reps of Unite work with their employers to create safer healthier workplaces for neurodiverse workers. These are: Neurodiversity and Autism Awareness, Autism in the Workplace (CPD certified), and Autism and Sensory Processing in the Workplace. Each course lasts one day. The morning activities take place on Zoom, the afternoon activities may take place together on Zoom or individually on the Litmos VLE (Virtual learning environment).
This short training session is designed to introduce students to the topic of harmful gambling.
The session will cover the following topics and more:
The Unite Gambling Charter
The effects of harmful gambling
Getting support
This course is for employers or employees who wish to understand the responsibilities to make reasonable adjustments for autistic people under the Equality Act 2010.
To gain confidence in promoting equality in the workplace for neurodiverse individuals (including Autism Spectrum Condition).
Learning Outcomes
Stress management and wellbeing are key issues for all our reps. Please come along and learn about what the union can do to help, and how you can monitor your own and your members stress and well being.
To gain confidence in promoting equality in the workplace for people with Autism Spectrum Condition
Learning Outcomes
This course is for employers or employees who wish to promote equality of opportunity for autistic adults.This course will help you understand the needs of people with autism in the workplace and help you plan to make reasonable adjustments for them.
To gain confidence in identifying and challenging sensory processing issues that affect autistic adults in the workplace
Learning Outcomes
Ideally you should book for all three day courses at once, as each builds on the understanding of the previous ones.
The Unite National Equalities Team offer a wide range of training aimed at our Representatives from minority groups.
Supporting LGBT+ Members in the Workplace
This course is part of the Unite the Union’s commitment to ensuring that underrepresented groups in our membership such LGBT+ members are encouraged to be more involved and active in the union; as workplace reps, committee members, senior negotiators, conference delegates, full time officers and learning organisers.
This course is for workplace representatives and branch officials defining themselves as LGBT+. This course is also for workplace reps and branch officials who want to support LGBT+ equality in the workplace.
This course aims to make a positive contribution to Unite Strategy for Equality Agenda
Black, Asian Ethnic Minority [BAEM] Leadership Course
A course designed for Unite Black and Asian Ethnic Minority workplace representatives and branch officials, to fully understand the Trade Union and Labour Movement. This course will empower workplace reps to build their confidence and progress by identifying effective ways and methods to encourage Black and Asian Ethnic Minority members to get involved in Unite.
The course covers the skills needed in the workplace, in the union, at conference and in the wider Labour Movement, at all levels, to build involvement and take action for Race Equality.
This course positively encourages applications from black and Asian ethnic minority women.
Disabled Members' Equality At Work
This course is for Workplace and branch Equality Officers who want to take action for disability equality rights and challenge disability discrimination at the workplace.
This course covers:
Understanding Your Union and Getting Involved
Course description:
This course is designed for less experienced Women Representatives who want to get more involved.
This course covers:
How the union works, promoting the Union in your workplace and community, and building confidence.
Women Organising in the Workplace
Course description:
This course for Women Representatives looks at strategic organising in the workplace, as well as the related legal challenges and workplace organising issues.
This course covers:
The skills for representing women at work. Women Campaigning at Work Course description: This course deals with the Unite Women's key campaigns such as Equal Pay and Union Equality Reps, as well as developing negotiating and campaigning skills to tackling workplace equality issues such as Family Friendly Rights, women's Health policies, part-time working, and Sexual harassment.
Leadership Development for Unite Women
Course description:
This is an advanced course for experienced Women Activists who have attended other union education courses, and who now want to build on their union involvement and encourage others to get involved.
This course covers:
Leadership theories and the power dynamics of the worker employer relationship for women, skills needed in the workplace, the Union, at conferences and in the wider community.
Organising for Equality in Today's Workplace - Understanding the Equality Act 2010
Course description:
This course will assist Workplace Representatives, Branch Officers and Organisers to understand the importance of equal opportunities for all, and why it is essential to organise, negotiate and campaign around equality in the workplace.
This course covers:
Issues for all underrepresented groups within our membership: Women, Black, Asian Ethnic Minorities, Disabled and LGBT+, Young members and Older workers.
LGBT+ Organising for Equality at Work
Course description:
This course is for Workplace Representatives and Branch Officials defining themselves as LGBT+ as well as for LGBT+ Lead Activists campaigning on LGBT+ equality issues in the workplace and community.
This course covers:
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Tans+ (LGBT+) people in Britain have seen many advances in the last two decades. As trade unionists, we can be proud of the part we played in those achievements. But serious problems remain and unions still have much work to do.
Dignity at Work - Challenging Workplace Harassment, Discrimination & Bullying
Course description:
This course is designed for Workplace Reps and Branch Equality Officials and looks at the key issue of Harassment, Discrimination and Bullying that leads to workplace stress.
This course covers:
The course examines ways to challenge inappropriate behaviors in the workplace by using effective strategies and methods to prevent workplace harassment and to promote Dignity at the Workplace.
These courses are designed for members and activists in the Faith workers branch.
Please note any joining requirements laid out in course descriptions before booking your course.
Faith Workers - New Reps Induction
Course description:
Who should attend?
This course is designed for new representatives or those who have not received training in the last five years. The course is the induction for all workplace representatives, health & safety representatives, learning representatives and equality representatives.
What will I learn?
The course covers a number of topics to prepare you for your role as a Unite representative.
Roles and Responsibilities
ACAS and other legislation - know your rights
Unite structures and where you fit in
Understanding risk assessment and why it’s every reps responsibility
Giving members information, advice and guidance
Why recruit members?
Understanding the Equality Act 2010
Knowing your agreements and the Unite Broad Industrial Strategy
Introduction to leadership
Our history - research and presentation skills
Note taking
Interviewing members
Dignity at work - Bullying and harassment
Barriers to learning and engagement for members
Understanding grievance and disciplinary policies - why all reps should know these!
Understanding negotiations
Developing a workplace project
How will this course run?
You will spend roughly half your time studying case studies about Faith Workers. These include case studies from a number of different religions as well as procedures from major Christian denominations. The employment status of clergy and the relevance of Equality Law is a major theme of the course.
This course runs 9.30am to 11.30am one day a week, for 10 weeks, with support available by phone and email in the afternoons. It is taught by Faith Workers.
Course Aims
To prepare women for leadership roles in their workplace, branch, or wider union.
You will learn about democracy within Unite; you will learn how to realise your potential, aim for leadership positions and learn how to promote equality of opportunity within Unite.
1) Taster day for members of the Church of Scotland
This is for employees or clergy of the Church of Scotland. The course runs from 9.30am to 11.30am on Zoom and will introduce you to the work of a rep in Unite the Union.
You will have time to get to know other members of Unite who live and work of Scotland and this will help you work together to organise your workplace and support each other.
The tutors are experienced Unite tutors and reps from the Faith Workers Branch of Unite.
2 Taster day for members of the Church in Wales
This is for employees or clergy of the Church in Wales. The course runs from 9.30am to 11.30am on Zoom and will introduce you to the work of a rep in Unite the Union.
You will have time to get to know other members of Unite who live and work in Wales and this will help you work together to organise your workplace and support each other.
The tutors are experienced Unite tutors and reps from the Faith Workers Branch of Unite.
3 Taster day for members of the Methodist Church
This is for employees or clergy of the Methodist Church. The course runs from 9.30am to 11.30am on Zoom and will introduce you to the work of a rep in Unite the Union.
You will have time to get to know other members of Unite who work for the Methodist Church or who are ministers within it. This will help you work together to organise your workplace and support each other.
The tutors are experienced Unite tutors and reps from the Faith Workers Branch of Unite.
4) Taster day for members of the Church of England
This is for employees or clergy of the Church of England. The course runs from 9.30am to 11.30am on Zoom and will introduce you to the work of a rep in Unite the Union.
You will have time to get to know other members of Unite who are members of CEECA and this will help you work together to organise your workplace and support each other. Diocesan representatives are especially invited to participate.
The tutors are experienced Unite tutors and reps from the Faith Workers Branch of Unite.
5) Taster Day for employees
This session is for employees. Your employment rights are the same irrespective of your employer, though you may have contractual rights which differ. You may work in an office, in a youth club, as a minister of religion, or as a verger or cleaner. The thing you have in common is that your employer is in the 'faith business' and that you are an employee.
The course runs from 9.30am to 11.30am on Zoom and will introduce you to the work of a rep in Unite the Union.
You will have time to get to know other members of Unite and what the role of the rep entails. You will learn how to train as an accredited representative and how to work with others to promote Unite membership in your workplace.
The tutors are experienced Unite tutors and reps from the Faith Workers Branch of Unite.
PLEASE NOTE: - Not all courses have enough students to run. We will contact you by post or email in advance of the course with joining instructions.
To review the operation of the branch helpline in the Faith Workers branch.
Course overview
You will share experiences and review policies and procedures
Please Note
To attend this course you Must be a Helpline coordinator in the Faith Workers branch – all applications will be vetted and attendance is by invitation only.
To prepare women as accredited representatives within the Faith Workers Branch.
Course Overview
You will learn the roles of a rep within Unite; you will practice the skills needed to be a rep; you will be encouraged to be self-actualised and to achieve your potential. You will learn about employment rights for ministers of religion and about the policies and procedures which affect faith workers. You will be taught by an experienced faith worker.
How the course will run
For 10 Tuesdays in the Spring; 2-3 hours per week of writing up is needed in addition (if you have facilities time the course work should be completed during facilities time, otherwise it can be done at your convenience). To assist with release or diary the course will be advertised from 09.30 - 16.30 each day and we suggest you complete the self guided study in the afternoon where possible.
Accredited Support Companion Training
Improve your skills in advising and representing members within the Faith Workers Branch.
Train to be an Accredited Support Companion so you can represent members outside your own workplace. All applications must be approved by Sarah Cook, the regional officer responsible for the Branch. [email protected]
This training uses case studies to help you understand the employment status of faith workers and will assist you in working for equality within the workplace, within Unite and within society.
It is a course for experienced reps, with at least 3 years experience within Unite.